Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

104: The 3 Dimensions of All Nonprofit Board Challenges (Mary Hiland)

104: The 3 Dimensions of All Nonprofit Board Challenges (Mary Hiland)


Maximizing the talent of your board of directors is an ongoing objective for a nonprofit executive, but creating a healthy engagement with the board is difficult if you are facing any number of issues, from micromanagement to apathy.  What are the underlying issues that create challenges for you and your board, and how do you address them?  That’s exactly what Dr. Mary Hiland and I discuss in episode #104 the Path, and she brings 40 years of nonprofit experience to help diagnose our board problems, and more importantly, determine how to fix them. Sharing a preview of her soon-to-be-released book Love Your Board! The Executive Directors’ Guide to Discovering the Sources of Board Troubles and What to do About Them., Mary differentiates all board problems as the result of an issue of Capacity, Connection or Culture.  Listen and learn about how to identify these issues and work with your board to re-engage them, and get back to focusing on your mission.


Mary Hiland, Ph.D., guides nonprofit leaders to ignite and unleash the full potential of their boards. Mary has over 40 years of hands-on experience in the non-profit sector, as an executive director and consultant, bringing credibility and confidence to nonprofit leaders who know she understands because she’s “been there.”  Mary is a speaker, published author, and researcher. She has presented at numerous conferences, workshops, and taught at San Jose State University. Her podcast, Inspired Nonprofit Leadership, gives nonprofit leaders insights and inspiration to be even more effective. Learn more about Mary by visiting her website: