Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

237: Nonprofit Leadership in Action: Mastermind Success Stories (Josue’ Hernandez, Tiffany Kong, Michael Walsh)

237: Nonprofit Leadership in Action: Mastermind Success Stories (Josue’ Hernandez, Tiffany Kong, Michael Walsh)


Are you ready to advance your nonprofit leadership through the PMA Mastermind program? Three Mastermind alums, Josue’ Hernandez, Tiffany Kong, and Mike Walsh share their professional development experiences and the positive changes they’ve made as a result of their participation. In episode #237 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, they discuss specific aspects of the program, the ongoing collaboration with colleagues nation-wide, and what they continue to utilize in their nonprofit leadership.

Josue’ Hernandez is the Assistant Director of Donor Engagement at Memorial Medical Center Foundation, serving Long Beach Medical Center and Miller Children's & Women's Hospital. He oversees donor acquisition, engagement, and stewardship, including programs like Simply Grateful and iGive. Josue’ earned his CFRE certification in 2021 and holds a Master of Arts in Leadership. He is an active member of SCAHD and AHP and is one of 38 Volunteer CFRE Ambassadors globally.

Tiffany Kong, Director of Community Impact, reviews grant-making in education and youth development, supporting nonprofit organizations at the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation. She co-founded The Give Me Hope Project in 2005, dedicated to building water wells in Laos. Tiffany serves on the board for Keystone Community Services and holds a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Mike Walsh, Assistant Dean of Advancement in the Virginia Tech College of Science, leads the advancement team overseeing development, alumni relations, and communications. Previously, he worked at North Carolina State University, managing major gifts and leadership annual giving. Mike holds an associate’s degree in environmental studies, a bachelor’s in geography, and a master’s in organizational leadership.