Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

182: Breaking Down Barriers as a Nonprofit Leader (Nyeisha Dewitt)

November 03, 2022

182: Breaking Down Barriers as a Nonprofit Leader (Nyeisha Dewitt)


How do you blend your life experiences with a passion for change and actually do something about it? Dr. Nyeisha Dewitt is eminently qualified to answer this question. In episode #182 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, Nyeisha shares her journey to nonprofit leadership, the lessons she’s learned, and the challenges she’s faced along the way. As a committed entrepreneur herself, she knows leaders can be mission-driven yet combine that with business acumen informed by experiences. Nyeisha discusses the value of community partnerships with varying missions who work together to break down barriers of those you serve to address their whole need. You’ll also hear her process for self-care, recruiting talent, and building an effective board. 


Dr. Nyeisha DeWitt is an investor, serial entrepreneur and the CEO of Oakland Natives Give Back Fund, Inc., which she founded in 2008 to epitomize an evolved concept of philanthropy and raise awareness around the importance of daily attendance. Personally familiar with the outcomes associated with chronic absenteeism, Dr. Ny is the example of where you start not necessarily dictating where you finish. She dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, but since taking her GED, she has triumphed from graduation stage to graduation stage. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley, her Master’s Degree in Teaching and Doctoral Degree in Organization and Leadership in Education, both from the University of San Francisco, and recently, she completed her Master degree in Management with a concentration in Advanced Entrepreneurial Leadership from Babson College in Massachusetts. Her experience as an educator and a mother of three children with unique learning abilities has provided immense value to her role as a funder who supports innovative + solutions to combat this national crisis. Since inception, ONGB has invested nearly $7.2M in resources toward that end.